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How has AI possibly created a role in changing SEO effectively?

Jahin Jaher
3 min readOct 10, 2023


Artificial Intelligence (AI) is influencing SEO (Search Engine Optimization) significantly in better ways. In recent years, AI has become more productive and sophisticated. With the help of AI, a large amount of knowledge gathering can be possible within less time.
How is AI updating and becoming the priority in today’s digital and competitive generation? Share your thoughts in the comment below.
Here are some properties of how AI is changing SEO:

1.Using AI in keyword research and management
2.Creating content with AI
3.Promoting better SEO workflows
4.Prevent repetitive and mundane tasks

Using AI in keyword research and management: Keyword research is the most vital part of an optimized engine. You need to start keyword research before anything like writing content, searching for a specific thing, or business purposes, online marketing campaigns. AI has helped to improve the tools of keyword research in SEO.

Creating content with AI: The AI market has increased tremendously from 119.8 billion USD in 2022 to 165 billion USD in 2023. Researchers are expecting it’s reach to 1,591 billion by 2030. AI can help you in:
1.Creating personalized content
2.Developing new topics and keywords
3.Providing Natural Language Generation(NLG)
4.Automating minimal content requirements

Promoting better SEO workflows: SEO has so many business benefits. But it is complicated for it to maintain or gain a high rank. In these circumstances, AI helps to boost its rankings. Although SEO agencies are relying on AI for making its betterment. To promote better SEO workflows AI is doing splendid work.
1. Predicting SEO rankings.
2.Analyzing search engine algorithms
3.Monitoring competition
4.Improving SERP(search engine result page) rankings

1.Predicting SEO rankings: By predicting search engine result page ranking(SERP), AI is helping the growth of SEO and making SEO a better version than before.
2.Analyzing search engine algorithms: AI helps to keep up with the continuous changes in algorithms. It can perform regular site audits to better the SEO.
3.Monitoring competition: The use of different tools helps to monitor the competitors. SEO’s various tools with AI technology will also help to identify the challengers in the future.
4.Improving SERP(search engine result page) rankings: AI is used as a significant and effective source for improving SERP’s rankings. Most of the traffic has been gained with the help of AI.

However, AI is dominating SEO with its magnificent tools and support. It is also used to support our society, cyber security, accounting, education purposes, job places and so on. It is also helping SEO to increase its traffic and build up a bigger community. Share your experience of its benefits in the comment below.
But you have to keep in your mind that, everything has its cons too. But many of us are not aware of it. Most researchers believe that using AI rapidly can be a reason, for which people will have a lack of skills.

On the contrary, you have to keep in mind that the right and purposeful use will help a person. Have a safe browsing!



Jahin Jaher

Have passion for singing, writing, dancing...student👩‍🎓..writer of women in tech🤍🌼From Bangladesh...